Maybe you’ve read similar posts like this one before but I decided it to write it because I recently booked a flight for my next adventure (really excited :D) for half the price it usually is and also because many people think flights to other countries/continents are very expensive to get but is not like that anymore.

So I want to help you finding that ticket to your dream destination without spending so much money.

I see a lot of people paying crazy amounts of money to travel agencies for tickets they can get themselves, believe me it just takes a little time and it can save you a lot of money!

Here are a few easy steps you can follow to get your tickets in a cheaper price:

  • Check on airfare search sites: They help you to compare prices between airlines, some of my favorites and the ones I usually use are,, I check on each one of them to compare how the prices are.
  • Check the prices on the airlines website directly: After the last step I can see how the prices are looking so I go and check with the airlines sites directly because sometimes they offer a cheaper price, check them just in case.
  • Start looking with some time in advance but not too early: For international flights it’s good to start checking with 3 months in advance if you already have your dates set but if not then 6-8 weeks before your trip is supposed to be the best time to find great fares. It has worked for me every time.
  • Set up a price alert on or They notify you via email if the prices on the destination you want increase or drop. You can also set up the alert with other airfare search sites but I usually do it with these two.
  • Clear your cookies: When searching for flights clear your cookies or use a different computer/gadget. Airlines and search sites might be tracking your history so the prices will go up for flights that are searched frequently.
  • Be a little flexible with your dates: Not many travelers have that flexibility but if you can look up for dates 3-6 plus/minus days from your dates sometimes it makes a big difference in the price. That’s what just happened to me with the ticket I recently purchased, I had a look on a price 6 days before the date I was thinking on leaving and got it half the price!
  • Traveling on Tuesdays or Wednesdays: I read this once a very long time ago and started it doing it since then and it has worked for me almost all of the times. I have found better prices traveling those days than any other day of the week.

I hope these few steps can help you to save some money in your next tickets. I have been doing each one of them for some time now and they have really worked for me, I usually find great prices. What other secrets do you have for booking cheap flights? Share them in the comments below!

Hope you find great prices and happy adventures 🙂

Costa Rica from above <3

Photos by me


    • travelwithjennats Reply

      Gracias Gabo, que bueno que te gustó! Abrazoo 🙂

  1. maria del mar Reply

    Me encantaron los consejos que das para viajar. A veces uno no lo hace porque hay muchas preguntas. 😊

    • travelwithjennats Reply

      Que bueno Mariii, me alegra mucho que te gusten y espero que te sirvan<3 Aveces asusta pero hay que mandarse 😀

    • travelwithjennats Reply

      Gracias Will, espero que consigas un super precio 😉

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